01 September 2006

Moving Dream

I had a dream that I was moving into a new place with SL and GG. It was going to be awesome. My mom and I were at Wal*Mart getting new stuff for the house, food and rugs and stuff like that, and I was waiting for SL to get there so he could help pick things out. I kept trying to call him and he wasn't answering his phone. So I called GG and told her to please try calling SL and see if he would pick up. She called him and called me back, and said that he was with his mom. So I tried calling him again and he finally answered, and said he was in Wal*Mart, and his mom was telling him what a bad idea it was for us to move in together, and she was doing a very good job of talking him out of moving in. I see them walking down the aisle towards me, and I'm trying to get his attention, but he just ignores me and keeps talking to his mom. That was it.

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