Ack. I wish sometimes I could just say things without the entire world crashing down around me.
DBH and I are not in a relationship, ya know? We're just friends. We're just talking. Even so, he's worried about his two friends who don't like me over something I said over a year ago (you may recall someone being described as loking like a potato.) He doesn't want to be in the situation where they make them choose, and I sure don't want that either. I would never want to come between him and his friends. Well anyway, last night I was talking to GG and told her to keep things on the downlow, so as to keep all drama to a minimum. It's not like he's hiding anything, he's just not volunteering any info (his words.) This is all fine with me. But for some reason it really upset him last night and now I feel like shit. We were talking about it last week and we were both really upset over it, but I don't know what happened last night. I think maybe when I said "whatever, it's fine, I'm used to it" he thought that I was comparing him to Poke. I just have to make sure he knows that I would never compare him to Poke in any way whatsoever other than to tell him how much better he is than Poke ever could be. Just the fact that he's worried about this whole friend thing and how they will react shows me that he cares so much. Poke was always like "fuck you, I'm not telling my mom and that's it." Except for now DBH is not talking to me. I sent him a little e-card apologizing for upsetting him, I know he saw it, but he didn't respond to my texts last night. I'm just going to give him some time and space to chill out, because I don't want to seem clingy or as if I'm turning this whatever it is into a big deal relationship or something. I just feel so shitty for hurting my friend and making him upset.
*sigh* That's about all for now.
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