23 January 2005

Quiver (Day Five)


So I took 2 hits last night, and instead of seeing inanimate objects talk or shake or have heartbeats, I felt like I was rollin' something intense. It was sucky at first, but quickly turned to awesome.

Found out why SB hasn't always returned my calls - it's called a girlfriend. Grrr. I guess the situation is that he is trying to figure out if he wants to stay with her or not. Supposedly he really likes me, but he's not sure about her. Sometimes she can be a real "dickhead" and a big "asshole" when he goes over there, and he doesn't like to be treated like that. (The quotes indicate his words, btw - he's not very loquacious.) He is trying to get away from her I guess. I'm not too concerned about it because he chose me over her last night and that was cool, and he kissed me on the lips. I guess it's not really a big deal about the kiss, but he never kissed me before. *Grin*

So, talked to MF last night about the whole living situation. Not sure what's he going to do next Monday when I move out, but I know he can't stay with me. I feel kinda bad, but he knew it was coming anyway. Last night while I'm trippin balls at Zueys, I was like "Hey now we can go on a date since we won't be roommates!" and he AGREED. He even said we could kiss, but he wasn't going to let me make him a statistic. I said that was fine because at one point I had been madly in love with him anyway, and therefore I would be willing to wait for him. Oh yes, I told a guy I wanted to wait. MF must be special!

I'm thawing pork chops in the microwave so I can make teriaki pork stir fry later. Gotta use up all this food before we move! On to Vh-1's "I love the 90's - Part Deux", I'll catch y'all later.

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