20 February 2007

What's Below Rock Bottom?

(21:21:59) Izzy: hey babe, cheered up yet?
(21:22:18) Kel: no
(21:22:35) Izzy: whats the matter?
(21:22:41) Izzy: :(
(21:23:54) Kel: life
(21:23:58) Kel: i'm lonely
(21:24:01) Kel: i'm bored
(21:24:04) Kel: i'm broke
(21:24:11) Kel: i have to go to court in the a.m.
(21:25:08) Izzy: poor girl, I wish I could help you out... I wish I can be a better friend
(21:25:16) Izzy: why do you have to go to court?
(21:26:52) Izzy: I dont mean to pry, sorry
(21:29:34) Izzy: hey if this will cheer you up, I got to put the image I made on t-shirts and stuff...
(21:32:10) Kel: no sry i was watchin a video
(21:32:22) Kel: court is for me getting arrested on jan 24
(21:32:44) Izzy: ouch, good luck kel
(21:32:49) Kel: i'm pleading guilty
(21:33:07) Kel: 6mos suspended license, 1-2 yr probation, 3 days in rehab, no jail, $500-ish fines
(21:33:16) Kel: plus the $1500 or so I owe my parents...
(21:33:30) Kel: and the $1075 I owe my xxx that xxx doesn't even know about
(21:33:40) Kel: and the $525 I owe the IRS
(21:33:52) Kel: and the $575 that I owe my atty for my bankruptcy
(21:34:06) Kel: and trying to save $2500 for a divorce lawyer
(21:34:23) Kel: the long term goal is to save $5k to move the hell away from here and start over somewhere
(21:34:30) Kel: but i have to take care of everything else first
(21:43:28) Izzy: so how is the car?
(21:43:44) Kel: fine
(21:43:50) Kel: sad that it can only be driven from 8-8

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kel,

I just wanted to say that I feel bad that things aren't going so great for you. I really mean it when I say I wish I could be a better friend to you. I am sorry that I am not. I hope things start looking up for you soon,