29 November 2005

I'm so strange.

In the past week, I've had a dream in which myspace was a building and had to be evacuated due to an air raid, a dream where I met Sadaam Hussein and he wouldn't shake my hand because I'm a woman and I got pissed, and some other fucked up dream. I don't know what is wrong with me but I think I need to go back to being a drunk.

Let's see... where did I leave off? I don't think I've seriously posted since I got back. I suck (but I'm really good at it...)


I really haven't done much since I returned. I went to karaoke a few times, I went to dinner twice with GG and IH when he was in town, I think I've gone to Zuey's maybe... two or four times... and... that's it. Not much is going on here. I'm waiting and waiting for December 10th to come because that is the day that SL is arriving! I'm going to get all my Christmas shopping done tomorrow, and my grand total for spending will be: $165 give or take $20. That would be for mom, dad, gramma, SK, SL, GG, and SS/Jms. I rock.


Oh and I got new brake pads - $227.20!! Fuck that!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

$227.20?!!?!! That's insane...
I'll change them for you next time, and save you $150.00+.