06 June 2005

It's this thing about real trash and white trash...

At one time, regular trash had a purpose. White trash has never had a purpose.

I had a wonderful time at karaoke last night. Doc, Moose, GG, and Mr. Happy were there. Some other folks too. It was a great fun time. I met a guy named NMc and he plays the guitar there on Wednesdays. He was cute even though he will be forty in December. Doc and I actually talked last night, which was awesome because I kinda thought he might have been avoiding me. It was wonderful. I even told him about my little fantasy. No details, just told him a few choices things and then told him to go see Artemisia.

EC came in and I was like "yay." We talked a little while and then he was like, "Why don't we go over to the VIP." I should have said no because I know SB's Danielle works there, but I went anyway. I figured that if she started some shit or whatever, I would calmly explain the situation and then it would be okay.

Yeah, if only everyone took the high road like I do.


So we walk in, and DS is there and three guys I don't know. Danielle is bartending. This bitch looks at me and says, "What's your name?" I'm like, "Kelly." And she looks at me and she goes, "Are you the Kelly that talks shit about me all the time?" to which I respond, "Well I could be, since you're Danielle who talks shit about me all the time..." At this point, I'm still thinking that for some reason maybe this white trash will be able to have a real conversation with me and be reasonable. I am SO wrong. This cunt fucking starts talking bullshit out her fucking trash mouth before I can even get a word in edgewise. She's all like, "You broke us up you fat ass," and so on and on. I'm like, "Hey, you know, let me explain." and she doesn't even hear me I think because she just keeps going on and on telling me she isn't going to serve me and I need to get the fuck out of her bar right now, etc. I tell EC that this is not even WORTH my time or energy so I leave. I just turned and walked out and left him there. I squealed out of the parking lot and who do you think was the first person I called? SB. Damn straight I did. I told him that he needs to do something about these fucking cunts who constantly attack me because they think that I 1) broke him and them up or 2) am trying to steal him from them. I constantly had SB taken from me by white trash, I never took him from anyone. I told him that I really don't give a fuck about him anymore, but I don't think it's fair that MY reputation and MY name get dragged through the mud by jealous whores who are pissed because I fucked him a few times.

Then I talked to GG and bawled my eyes out because it's not true that I don't give a fuck about SB. I'm actually quite infatuated, for lack of a better word. I wake up in the morning thinking about him, I think about him sometimes when I'm with other guys, I think about him randomly when I'm driving down the street or something like that. I can't control it either. I try. I say, "I'm not going to care about him anymore. I'm not going to think about him." And I don't, for maybe a day, but then its back to his image just appearing in my mind. I have no explanation for it either. It's not like we ever really dated, we spent all of maybe seven times together and it was mostly just fucking. I don't think we ever even had more than five real conversations. My theory is that it was so random and the things that happened while we were doing whatever it was we were doing were so strange that my mind just cannot comprehend that it is not happening anymore. Fuck, I don't know.

So after I went to McDonald's and then hung up with GG, I called DS and asked what was going on. He said that Danielle was still talking a bunch of shit about me and SB and I was like, "Wow, how awesome." So I called SB again and left him another message relaying the fact that his precious Danielle was a backstabbing bitch and she was talking shit about him too and it was just not fair that I had to deal with this shit since I'm not even fucking him anymore. I told him that I never did anything to him to deserve this kind of treatment, especially not from someone I didn't know at all.

I cried a lot, talked to EC a little bit, and fell asleep around four a.m. As usual, I woke up this morning thinking of SB.

More later, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette.

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