07 March 2006

I Try and I Try and Still...

...They keep bothering me. Like gnats... or leeches... or cunts.

Apparently, I lied about her... which I find ABSOLUTELY hilarious, considering everything I say is my opinion, and if I do present facts, nine times out of ten I back them up with much research. Whatever!
Fuck her.
Read on.

"A series of Instant Messages, by SS and Kelly."

SS (2/21/2006 11:40:57 AM): we got it

SS (2/21/2006 11:41:05 AM): not like you really care

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:41:27 AM): Well I do care because I don't want it to bounce so I'm waiting for you to cash it.

SS (2/21/2006 11:42:05 AM): glad to know there's a chance of it bouncing

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:42:27 AM): no,there isn't

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:42:55 AM): I just sometimes forget about checks because I rarely write them and it doesn't automatically deduct like when you use your check card

SS (2/21/2006 11:43:23 AM): well as long as you write it down or remember that that $100 is spent, you'll be fine

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:44:13 AM): I know that. I just don't want to wait forever for you to cash it.

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:44:28 AM): Plus after 30 days it's VOID and I will get charged if you try to cash it.

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:47:19 AM): Oh, and by the way, Sal lives here now. I'm sure you don't care, but I thought you would like to know.

SS (2/21/2006 11:48:12 AM): why would you think I'd like to know?

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:49:02 AM): Something about how it's not gonna work out, etc. etc. etc.

SS (2/21/2006 11:51:31 AM): I've said all I need to say about that

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:52:03 AM): Ok. Well when do you think you'll be cashing the check?

SS (2/21/2006 11:52:27 AM): don't know. Check your email

SS (2/21/2006 11:53:13 AM): Enjoy the rest of your day

SS has signed out. (2/21/2006 11:53 AM)

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:53:58 AM): Don't forget the check is voided after 30 days!

Kelly (2/21/2006 11:54:02 AM): You too.

SS appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in.

SS (2/28/2006 11:33:40 AM): If it only costs $5 to cash the other ones, then I probably won't even bother. I just want the rest of it and for this to be over. I tried to be your friend and apparently that wasn't good enough for you so the sooner it's over with, the better.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:34:28 AM): Whatever, it's up to you. I'm fine either way, but I don't want you to come back on me at a later date and say I didn't pay/offer to pay/I refused to pay, etc.

SS appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in.

SS appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in.

SS (2/28/2006 11:36:34 AM): Well, it doesn't really matter since your word is no good anyway

SS (2/28/2006 11:38:09 AM): We'll obviously not get all of our money back if we have to pay fees, but you aren't worth the effort anymore. You had your chance. I believe in Karma and you'll get yours

SS (2/28/2006 11:39:00 AM): BTW, very wise choice leaving {my son's} business out of your blog, but I suggest you leave me out of it from now on as well.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:39:39 AM): All I have to say is Freedom of Speech. I can talk about anything I want. I chose not to talk about {your son} because I do care about him and it's not anyone's business the terrible thing that happened to him.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:40:17 AM): If you care to try and dispute my rights, go ahead. That will be an interesting fight for you.

SS (2/28/2006 11:45:29 AM): Are you kidding me? You claim to not give a fuck about me, so why waste time talking shit and spewing lies and half-truths about me/us and don't you dare try and say you care one whit about {my son}

SS (2/28/2006 11:50:28 AM): As long as you keep shit about me off your blog, I'm done with the emails. I won't even bother disputing the half-truths and outright lies you put on there this time. I won't bother pointing out that it's moronic to cost yourself friends and $500 over someone who lies all the time. Like I said, Sal is really turning you into a wonderful person. Leave us alone (aside from the check) and I'll leave you alone. Otherwise....I'll exercise my rights.

SS (2/28/2006 11:54:09 AM): When can we ecpect the last check?

SS (2/28/2006 11:54:23 AM): oops expect ({the baby} is on my lap)

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:56:12 AM): Feel free to write in your blog anything you want about me, I'm not going to complain. You have the right to free speech just like I do. I'm not doing anything but writing my opinion. I'm not talking trash about you outside of the blog or anything like that.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:56:23 AM): I already told you in my last email when you can expect the check.

SS (2/28/2006 11:56:31 AM): nest week is too vague

SS (2/28/2006 11:56:35 AM): next

SS (2/28/2006 11:56:54 AM): Why would I waste my time talking about you in my blog?

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:56:56 AM): I'm sorry, but that is my answer.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:57:03 AM): I have to work now, goodbye.

SS appears to be offline and will receive your messages after signing in.

SS (2/28/2006 11:58:00 AM): You have until this Friday

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:58:16 AM): And then what? Are you going to take me to small claims court?

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:58:32 AM): I consulted a lawyer already, you have no case against me.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:58:42 AM): Sorry but it will be a waste of your time and money.

SS (2/28/2006 11:58:55 AM): Your email was dated the 23rd. Next week from then is this week. You have until Friday

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:59:24 AM): "Next week" does not specify a date.

Kelly (2/28/2006 11:59:46 AM): Please do not bother me anymore at work.

SS (2/28/2006 12:00:27 PM): or what?

SS (2/28/2006 12:00:47 PM): I'm attempting to collect a debt owed to me.

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:01:13 PM): Just like the rest of the debt collectors I have asked you twice now to not bother me at work, and you must adhere to the law.

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:01:25 PM): DO NOT BOTHER ME AT WORK, PLEASE. Thank you.

SS (2/28/2006 12:01:34 PM): (yahoo laughing emoticon)

SS (2/28/2006 12:01:42 PM): I want my money, thank you

SS (2/28/2006 12:03:42 PM): You have until the close of business on Friday (that's 5 pm) for the check to be here. Believe me when I say it will do for you to remember that.

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:05:24 PM): Ok, when I take over the Post Office and become Queen of all Postage, I will make a guarantee as to when, exactly, your mail will arrive.

SS (2/28/2006 12:05:49 PM): Thought you were working?

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:05:50 PM): In my email, I stated that I would mail out the check "next week"

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:05:56 PM): I am, but you keep bothering me

SS (2/28/2006 12:06:12 PM): If you have it in the mail by the end of the day today, you should have no problem.

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:06:22 PM): Mail already went out today

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:06:41 PM): Besides, there are four days left in this week

SS (2/28/2006 12:07:12 PM): My statement didn't demand an answer. I was just letting you know. There aren't 4 business days left and any debt collector would work that way

Kelly (2/28/2006 12:07:44 PM): Didn't say anything about business days in my email either. Just said I would mail it out "next week".

SS (2/28/2006 12:08:57 PM): whatever. You have until 5pm Friday.

SS (2/28/2006 12:14:13 PM): And just for the record, you were the first to send the nasty emails.

SS (2/28/2006 12:14:59 PM): Hmmm...I'm bored. Maybe I should call Sal..........

mamaturtle2000 (3/6/2006 10:11:28 AM): Must really suck to be you

Kelly (3/6/2006 10:19:39 AM): And why is that?

SS (3/7/2006 11:38:04 AM): Stop lying about me

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:38:12 AM): Pardon?

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:40:12 AM): I have never lied about you, sorry.

SS (3/7/2006 11:41:19 AM): whatever. I guess when you lie as often as you breathe, you don't notice the particulars. I believe I also asked you to keep me off your blog.

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:42:21 AM): Oh well. You have all your money now I can do whatever I want. in fact, I could do whatever I wanted before you got all your money back, so whatever

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:42:39 AM): I asked you not to send me anymore emails and you continue to do so, its the same thing

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:42:49 AM): And your name is nowhere in my blog, by the way

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:43:01 AM): SS could be Scott Stapp, Steve Smith, Sarah Stevenson... etc

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:44:40 AM): PLUS

SS (3/7/2006 11:44:44 AM): I sent you your own slutty email back to you and a picture of you. I also sent neither till today, after I read your blog. Doesn't matter. I told you to keep me off of it, regardless of whether my full name is on there

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:44:54 AM): all I did was copy and paste our emails... no lying there, they're all your own words

SS (3/7/2006 11:45:10 AM): the lie was in saying I started this stupid shit

SS (3/7/2006 11:45:35 AM): Yeah you can do whatever you want. Doesn't mean it won't come at a price

SS (3/7/2006 11:46:29 AM): if you didn't have a guilty conscious about your actions you wouldn't feel the need to put the emails up there. You're just looking for someone to validate your shitty behavior

SS (3/7/2006 11:50:02 AM): There are also plenty of names that are in there

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:51:51 AM): Are you done?

SS (3/7/2006 11:52:04 AM): no, but you are

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:52:05 AM): What price does it come with?

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:52:24 AM): Huh? You tryin' to take away my freedom of speech? Good luck with that one.

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:52:32 AM): Oh, I am? I'll take that as a threat, thank you.

SS (3/7/2006 11:54:29 AM): you can take it and shove it up your whorey ass as far as I'm concerned.

SS (3/7/2006 11:54:39 AM): Karma's a bitch and so am I

Kelly (3/7/2006 11:54:51 AM): Oh, I'm well aware that you're a bitch, thank you very much

SS (3/7/2006 11:56:04 AM): yeah well I was the bitch who didn't lie to you, loaned you money when you needed it and did shit for you none of your other fabulous friends wanted to do for you

SS (3/7/2006 11:56:42 AM): when GMc (what a friend) stranded you, who did you call? Was it Sal? Was it any of these ither friends?

SS (3/7/2006 11:56:47 AM): *other

SS (3/7/2006 11:57:44 AM): and quit tryin to act all high and mighty, I gave you plenty of chances to salvage our friendship. Sal was more important to you

SS (3/7/2006 11:58:02 AM): yet what has he done for you?

SS (3/7/2006 11:58:11 AM): Does he even have a job yet?

SS (3/7/2006 12:00:57 PM): *gasp* are you speechless?

SS (3/7/2006 12:02:21 PM): You know, I would have been willing to still be your friend. So don't try saying I turned on you and I should be happy that your happy. You should have been happy someone actually gave a shit about what happened to you. That's okay though. Like I said, Karma's a bitch and everything comes at a price.

SS (3/7/2006 12:02:59 PM): you might also want to know that your blog page had been slow for over a week now

SS (3/7/2006 12:03:05 PM): *has

SS (3/7/2006 12:05:39 PM): like I said it must really suck to be you and I'm sure it's only gonna get suckier.

SS has signed out. (3/7/2006 12:05 PM)

It's like... she's just so fucking ignorant. And I absolutely LOVE the part where she mentions my blog, considering earlier she had commented (on my C-U-N-T song) that only my "dumb-ass friends" read my "dumb-ass blog" yet here she is, sending me bullshit IMs after reading what I posted. Fucking hypocritical slimy cunts who aren't even worthy to breathe the same air as me... Oh, it's just wonderful.
I'm going to keep collecting all the nasty things she says to me, all the threats, etc., and if she tries to say anything or do anything to me, we'll all know who is to blame. I have no enemies or bad blood between anyone except her. Not even my husband is as vindictive and cunty as she is. So, not only do I have the proof of several threats she made on this blog, I also have them saved on my computer and in my email.

Come on honey, try something.

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