17 July 2006

Jason the Asian

Let's start with the first one.

I was going to a party at DJ's house, and it was his going away to Cleveland party. SL was with me. We drove over to DJ's parents' house, where he was staying, and it was in the woods. It was a humongous house, surrounded by trees. We parked on this lane, and walked in. The party was wonderful, everyone I knew was there, and we all had a great time. SUCH a good time in fact that we decided to have a second party the next night. For some reason, this next party was a going away party for NB also. So the next night SL and I headed out there, and when we arrived, I had him go up to the door to make sure people were there because I didn't want to be the first to go in. An hour later I woke up in the car, and realised that SL had never come back. I walked up to the garage and went into the house through the side door. SL was in there, flirting with TD and her friend MN. I started yelling at him, and noticed that my awesome outfit was turning stupid-looking with every word that came out of my mouth. I had been wearing my cool black shirt, jeans, and these nifty spike-heel boots, but as I spoke, my jeans turned into running shorts, and my spike heeled boots turned into a nasty green color and instead of pantyhose underneath I was wearing ugly green socks. So I stopped yelling, and walked away, and went to sit by NB, SB, and DJ, who were all doing coke in the living room. I sat on DJ's lap, because I was skinny in the dream, and he had coke all over his face. He kept snorting out and getting his used coke on me, and I was getting irritated. SL walked up the stairs when DJ's face was all close to mine, and got mad. He stormed out, and I didn't follow him. That was it.


I was at an amusement park in the woods, with my new boyfriend Chuck, the asian, and his brother Charlie and some girl. We were all having a wonderful time, and then it started to rain. We decided to go back to Chuck's apartment, and they went in their car and I went in mine. We were driving down 270, and they passed me right before I got stuck in traffic caused by an accident. I ended up back at their complex about 45 minutes later. I was looking all over for Chuck, and I couldn't find him. Their apartment complex looked more like a commune than a community. I was wandering around all over, and I finally found Charlie. I asked him where Chuck was, and he said "Who is Chuck?" and I was like "My boyfriend, the asian!" and he said that his name was Jason, not Chuck. Then I remembered it was actually Jason. So Charlie gave me his number, and I tried calling him, and kept wandering. I finally ended up at his apartment, where I found him making out with this girl who looked like a girl I went to high school with. I yelled at Jason why would he do that when we just started dating, and he said that although I had the better personality, was prettier, and better in bed, he chose her because she was ugly and boring and needed love too. I told him that was absolutely ridiculous, and totally not fair. I went around the apartment and started collecting my belongings, and found a notebook that I had written in sitting on the kitchen table. It was a real-life written account of this blog! Some girls were trying to talk to me, and then ND from work came in and told me it was time to go back to the amusement park. That was it.

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