AM: Hey Yo...whats up G?
Kel: yo!
Kel: /me is that happiest girl EVER
AM: why is that?
Kel: well
Kel: we were banging
Kel: and he said he loved me
Kel: w/out any prompting
Kel: hehehe or conversation about love
AM: wow
Kel: yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kel: brb
AM: ok
Kel: k abck
Kel: back rather
AM: gotcha
AM: lol so what exactly were you doing to him when he said he loved you?
Kel: i was... uh... clenching?
Kel: :-D
AM: lol
AM: yeah that'll do it
Kel: lol
Kel: well it wasn't the 1st time he said it
AM: lol I am so kidding
AM: but I will tell KM I love her stupid bitch cousin when she is clenching too
Kel: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha
Kel: nice.
Kel: but it was even better this morning because the other 2x he's said it, kinda went like this
Kel: 1st time: me: "I know you love me." poke: "Yes I do." me: "Oh, I was kidding" poke: "I'm not"
Kel: oh actually it was 3x
AM: wow nice
Kel: 2nd time: me: "Yay! My boyfriend! Now what?" poke: "You know how much I care about you right?" me: "Yep." poke: "well I love you, too" (too as in as well)
Kel: 3rd time: me: "That was the most fun night of my life" poke: "I'm glad" me: "..." poke: "I love you."
Kel: yahoo!!!
Kel: lol
Kel: this morning: me: "hi..." poke: "I missed you" me: "I missed you too and it's only been one whole day!" me: "moan, etc." poke: "i love you"
AM: wow that pretty much rocks
Kel: :-D
Kel: hell yeah
Kel: i thought so too
AM: yeah I was trying to fill in the thrusts and moans in my head
Kel: oh yeah, and I forgot to add in the 3rd time that we had a quick discussion about saying I love you, and he was like "well you know I love you, it's a given" and I'm like "I do know, but it's nice to hear once in awhile."
Kel: apparently he pays attention!!
Kel: lol yeah moan, etc. doesn't really give a detailed description, does it?
AM: lol not at all
AM: and its details girl .. details
Kel: haha
Kel: well
Kel: i mean, its not something i can really describe
Kel: unless i'm like "inhale sharply, slight moan, oh god oh god moan oh god, mo-oooan... breathe breathe breathe"
Kel: heheheheheh
Kel: then it could sound like i'm giving birth too though
AM: hey sometimes it sounds the same ;-)
AM: and it all works
AM: the vocal part is like 60% of it ya know
AM: ;-)
Kel: for real
AM: maybe even 75
AM: that alone is enough to work .. for me anyway
Kel: one time this dude was like "can you please shut up" and i'm like wow how insulting
Kel: found out later it was cuz it was enough to push him over hahahaha i was like oooooooh ok neato.
AM: wow
AM: I wouldnt mind something pushing me over right now
Kel: go see yer wife!
AM: well .. .I am chained to my desk now
AM: I wasnt suggesting YOU do it
AM: lol
AM: ya nut case
Kel: duh man
Kel: i knew that
Kel: i was offering suggestion!
Kel: lmfao
AM: well I appreciate it
Kel: i do what i can.
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