29 March 2007

Crazy Bitch

This guy knows what the fuck is going on...

I'm fucking pissed. I'm so tired of "PC"!! I'm so tired of stupid people being self righteous!!

I don't understand why, when someone holds a door for me or moves outta my way or lets me go in line in front of them and I say, "Thank you {ma'am or sir}!", I get a dirty look. When someone fucks me on the freeway, I rarely give the finger. I give a big fucking smile and the peace sign. I'm trying to FUCKING PAY IT FORWARD! I'm tired of bad shit happening to ME! Today, a woman almost ran me over with her car in the Blockbuster parking lot. She parked, and while we were in the store, she looked at me all sheepishly and looked away. She happened to be behind me in line, and I could tell she was embarassed. I noticed, so I said, "Don't worry about almost running me over. I saw you had kids in the car and I know it's difficult to pay attention." She looked at me, glaring, and said "YOU WALKED OUT IN FRONT OF MY CAR. I DID NOTHING WRONG." Not wanting to start shit in the fucking Blockbuster, I said, "I'm sorry, maybe I did. We should both pay better attention next time." To which she responded, "Your fat ass needs to pay attention. You're lucky I didn't hit you or I would sue you for the damage to my car."

I am NOT kidding. IN FRONT OF HER KIDS!!!!!! LITTLE KIDS!!! (Less than 6 yrs old.)

FUCK THEM ALL!! Perhaps I should start calling people niggers, kykes, faggots, camel jockeys, spics, gooks, chinks, sand niggers, beaners, muck-mucks, buffalo jockeys, bushniggers, oreos, micks, christ killers, crackers, honkies, dego wop skanks (i actually do use that one... *blush*), gobblers, gomers, goobers, polaks, sausage munchers, carpet munchers, dykes, or yuppies... maybe if I started to implement all these racial slurs into my everyday life, they'd become more acceptable and then people wouldn't get so fucking PISSED when I call them "sir" or "ma'am". The next time someone holds open a door for me, I'll be like "Thanks Nigger!" or "Hey you spic, I really appreciate it!" or maybe something more congenial, like, "Awww, what a nice fucking cracker you are! I'm glad us honkies can help each other out!"

Just a thought.

Click here for more if you're interested in being humourously offended. I must say though, I came up with most of the slurs myself! *beams with pride* It really is a weird fucking website, and someone has WAY too much time on their hands.

And now, since I'm sure I've offended everyone in the world, some great pics and a great video!!

The boys hugging.

Sheeba in bed.

Me with orange hair at my new old desk... LOL.


Me with RED hair in the kitchen.

Me with RED hair at Brewstirs on Weber/High.


Explains itself.

A beautiful strawberry drink I made with my MAGIC BULLET!


Hard at work, courtesy of BE.

Again, BE hard at work.

NOT at work! LOL, my new awesome bra and panties.

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