01 May 2007

Things I Hate.

A list.
  • My husband (please call him @ 614-668-7362 and tell him that for our 5th anniversary I would like a disillusion/divorce.)
  • White Trash.
  • People who put on their right turn signal when they are turning left.
  • Little Tiny Dogs.
  • Poke.
  • Ketchup.
  • People who lie about stupid little things to make themselves seem better (ie, Saying you got to work 15 minutes earlier than you actually did... cuz someone really cares?)
  • Users.
  • Jaegermeister.
  • French/Catalina salad dressing.
  • Poor grammar ("Was you going to go to the store?" NO! NO! It's "Were you going to go to the store?")
  • White people with braids on their head.
  • People who only drink water at karaoke (except TomCat cuz at least he tips.)
  • Liars!
  • Fat people who call other people fat. Are you fucking blind?
  • Muffin tops.
  • White trash.
  • People who drop the ball on their end and blame it on me.
  • Slobbery dogs.
  • Boys who can't make up their mind.
  • People who don't shower regularly and/or do not wear deodorant.

That's all I can think of.

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