19 April 2007

I love Dick(eybird)

Hey Kelly,

Here are your five:

1. Starting with the hard stuff. What made you decide to go to rehab last week?
The choice was between three days in jail or three days in "the program". I decided on the program not only because I'm too pretty to go to jail, but I pride myself on never being in real trouble with the law. Everyone I know has gotten an OMVI, so that's not too bad, but I would have hated to say, "Yes, I have spent time in jail."

2. If you had the opportunity to choose a career today, any career, but would have to stick with it for another 40 years, what would it be and why?
If money is no object here and I can still pay bills and so forth, I would have to choose writer/photographer. I would love nothing more than to be able to write and write and write and take pictures and write about those. I'm currently in the processing of writing another book, as a matter of fact. I've already published one book of poetry and had a photo published in a book as well, and it ruled. No one has bought any copies of my own book, but I don't know anyone else who can say they're a two-time published poet! (I also had a poem published in 1999 in a book of composite poetry from many artists.) I'd love to be able to travel all over and write about the things I see, the people I meet, etc.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Salem, Massachusettes. No questions asked. If I had the money I'd move there right now. It's the only place I've ever been where I feel completely comfortable and really happy all the way to the core.

4. If you were a judge, and were able to decide any punishment for a proven mass murderer (let’s say he stabbed 7 people randomly one night), who is completely sane, what would his punishment be?
I would lock him up in solitary confinement for the rest of his god-given life, and have the families and friends of the victims write letters to him which he would be forced to read everyday and write "essays" of sorts in regards to. I would let him out only once a week and only to receive a visit from said family/friends (behind glass of course with security.) The reason for this is that I don't believe he should be given the blessing of not being alive and having to deal with the guilt, shame, and pain that comes with murdering another. I want him to be drowned in the pain of the victims' families/friends and realize how much his actions in just one night affected so many people. I would also allow him to receive letters from his own family detailing their pain/shame/etc. that resulted from his actions.

5. What advice would you have for a recently-separated man in his early thirties, who has returned to his hometown after a long time away, and is for the most part starting his life again?
Focus on Number One. You have to love yourself and be strong before you can love and be strong for others, including friends and family, not just lovers. In fact, I'm taking that own advice right now.

PS. If you don’t want to answer #1, Do you think strippers are victims of a misogynist society, or are they taking advantage of men’s baser instincts?
I'll answer it anyway! I think they are girls who have very low self esteem and self worth. They use the "acceptance" to make themselves feel better, and I do think it all stems from baser instincts. No one forces them to become strippers, but it's "not that bad" because "at least they aren't prostitutes"... you know what I mean?

Sorry to hear about you and Poke. I wonder why he did what he did? He doesn't sound "right."


St. Dickeybird said...

Great answers! Thanks for playing.
#4 was surprisingly humane.

K said...

Thank you!
I'm a big fan of mental pain as opposed to physical pain. Someone who has caused that much grief, as I said in the post, shouldn't be allowed to die and escape it. I'd rather torture someone emotionally than physically.