Well I had a strange dream last night.
TM and I were chillin' in my house, like in the old days. DJ M and some chick he was dating (who wasn't from real life) were there with us, and we were all just hanging out and talking and shit. DJ M and I decided to go have a private conversation in another room, and when we came back TM and the chick were making out on the couch. TM had her convinced that he was descended from royalty and she fell madly in love with him instantly. So DJ M and I made up our minds to go on a bus trip to Massachusettes for some Harry Potter convention. I don't know what that was all about, but it seemed like the best idea for us at the time. We hopped a bus and rode and rode and rode for hours until we had to switch busses at a very large station where the busses turned into airplanes. We got off the bus and he went to get some food while I just wandered around. I went over to where I saw some nice looking older ladies decked out in Harry Potter gear smoking cigarettes. I asked one if I could get a smoke from her and she yelled at me that cigarettes were more important than her insulin so no, I could not have a cigarette. I wandered around some more, trying to find a place to buy cigarettes, and I couldn't. I really wanted to buy them before we got to Massachusettes because I knew they were very expensive out there. Then suddenly it was time for me to board the bus-plane. I got on, and looked all around for DJ M. He was nowhere to be found! In his seat though, sat someone I knew - Moose! He said he had run into DJ M in the food court and DJ M came to the conclusion that it was a better idea to go back to my house and kill TM than to go to Massachusettes with me. I concurred. The bus-plane started to take off, and I was not strapped in. I fell out of my seat and out the door, and had to hang onto the edge all the way through the air to the next bus-plane airport. When we landed I was covered head to toe in bugs and trash. This guy put me on a dolly and wheeled me into a room where I was blasted with hot air that smelled like strawberries, to get all the crap off me. After that was done I was totally completely clean. I started walking away from the bus-plane airport down a very pretty sidewalk, and ended up in some suburb where I remembered that I was supposed to wait for Moose. I tried to go back, but I couldn't figure out how. I finally saw a convenient store, and since I hadn't smoked a cigarette in what seemed like days, I went in to buy a pack. They were $5.07, and I just happened to have $6.08. I was left with $1.01, which amused the clerk. I asked him how he expected me to get back to Ohio with $1.01 and he said, "Didn't you know - once you come to Massachusettes, you can never leave?"
Then I woke up. For some reason I woke up thinking about SB. I wish I could get him and his brother out of my head. I just can't do it. Today will be an okay day though.
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