I bought a new dildo today! Yay! It's the first time in five years I've boughten one - the first one I had I threw out because it started out clear, but as rubber does over time, became cloudy and weird looking. Still worked fine, was absolutely clean, but I just didn't like the look of it. Oh well. The new one is purple so we shouldn't have that problem again.
Friday night I went to J&J's house and hung out there with them and GMc. They were all trashed. We played pool then went to Eldo's, then to (da-na-na) the VIP. They were all trashed. GMc was buying beers and stuff but I just couldn't get a buzz going. I did talk to the owner of the VIP though, and told him about Cunt Bitch Extraordinairre and he said that "it would be taken care of" in a few weeks. I was like "Yessss!" It was a fun evening, but near the middle of the end I got pretty bored because I just wasn't feeling it. I don't know how people can go out to bars and not drink - it blows my mind. I went back to Zuey's (I had been there before going to J&J's to see KL) because Y called me to come see her. I talked to them for a bit, got bored, finished my beer and hightailed it outta there. All in all I would say that Friday was on the funner side of mundane.
Saturday I woke up to find that the mexicans were putting in my new dishwasher. Sheeba was chillin' on the couch, and the kittens were nowhere to be found. I searched all over for them, I even asked the dudes, "?Donde estas los gatos pequenos?" and they replied "No se." Which means, "Where are the little cats?" and they replied "I don't know." Pissed me off. I am semi-relieved because of all the trauma, but oh well. They lived outside at their old house and they have their claws so I think they will be okay. I put food and water and the little house outside for them.
I went to Zuey's to watch the last quarter of the OSU vs. Miami (OH) game. We won, it was 34-0 when I got there but ended up being 34-17 at the end, I think. That was fun. BR cooked burgers and hot dogs on the grill, a bunch of folks were there, and there was shrimp. I love shrimp. I went home and took a nap around five, and went back to Zuey's at eight fifteenish. Danielle was there, and she was TRASHED. I couldn't believe my ears when she said hi to me. I almost fell over. Her sister and some guy were there too, and they were all drunk and being so loud, so I mostly stayed outside with BR and shot the shit for awhile. Went home around eleven, and looked outside for the kittens. I saw them, but as I was going to get them a car drove by and terrified them so they ran away. I was mad. Ended up talking to SL for awhile, til about three thirty, then slept.
Woke up and looked for the kittens, again, gone. The neighbour lady found one and brought him over, but as I was setting him down to pick up the other one, the first one ran out and the second one followed. I don't think the kittens want to be caught. I laid around for awhile, putzed on the internet, and then bought my new toy. Yay!
Tonight is karaoke, I haven't been to Eldo's (save for Friday) in a week, and it should be interesting. Maybe GG, Moose, and I will go to Hounddogs or something.
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